研究開発と教育: 北極・北方圏のデータセンター開発のための基盤構築

本会運営委員のユハ・サウナワーラ(北海道大学 北極域研究センター 助教)らによる、電子ジャーナル「Arctic and North」掲載論文の日本語版を公開いたします。

「研究開発と教育: 北極・北方圏のデータセンター開発のための基盤構築」

This manuscript is an unofficial translation of the article entitled ‘ Research, Development, and Education: Laying Foundations for Arctic and Northern Data Centers’ published originally as a part of Arctic and North, Vol. 42 (DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2021.42.145 /
www.arcticandnorth.ru/upload/iblock/847/126_146.pdf). The permission to produce and publish the Japanese version has been received from Arctic and North. Translation was made by a translator who does not work in the journal.

“Research, Development, and Education: Laying Foundations for Arctic and Northern Data Centers”